Mighty Men of Valor


NCM Men’s Vision Statement is rooted in the intentionality of being Christ centered men, fathers, sons and husbands:

NCM Men’s Mission Statement: – Men On Purpose
Our mission is to lead by example and invite men into an uncompromised Godly life of purpose,
passion, integrity and victory.

3 Goals for the NCM Men’s Ministry:

• To develop and deliver a sustainable, inclusive and life changing men’s ministry.
• To elevate and equip each other as servant leaders in our families, churches, workplaces and communities.
• To meet men where they are at and invite them into a relationship with Christ through fellowship and discipleship.

Our Win Statement is:
We have won when the men of our church are of one mind and heart before Christ.

The Attitudes
Men submitted
Humble serving hearts
Compassion for others
Eagerness and willingness to help
Not judgmental
Putting self aside
Hunger for the things of God
Understanding role in Christ
Victory in their life

The Action and Accountability
Choosing to pray
Unity in the men
Good stewards – time, talent, treasure.
Encouraging each other
Servant leaders in family, church, workplace, community
In accountability with each other
Stepping out into their anointing, calling and gifting
Walking in their SHAPE with boldness and courage